“Covered Party” means: (a) LN and all officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, agents, successors or assigns of LN; and (b) any third-party hardware supplier, third-party alliance company, their affiliates and any officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, agents, successors or assigns of a third-party hardware supplier or any of its affiliates. If you: (a) violate this Agreement or otherwise violate the intellectual property rights granted herein; or (b) breach or otherwise fail to comply with any other obligation under this Agreement (including payment obligations), without prejudice to any other remedy available to LN under applicable law, LN may suspend or terminate this Agreement without notice. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, LN reserves the right to demand the claim of the full amount of the Agreement, as well as the reimbursement of legal and other costs incurred by LN in connection with your breach if you fail to properly pay an amount due under this Agreement. The Indian Contracts Act, 1872 (9 of 1872), as amended by the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act 2019 (34 of 2019) (w.e.f. 31-10-2019) with samples of damages for breach of contract and performance of acts by agents. Force majeure. Non-performance by either party is excused to the extent that performance is rendered impossible if non-performance is due to actions that are omitted or to circumstances beyond the reasonable will of the non-performing party, such as fire, weather, civil unrest, the action of the military, court or government agency, strike (unless such strike is caused by employees of this party), Changes in law or other official regulations or force majeure. Materials and features of electronic publications and application services may be added, removed or otherwise modified by LN without notice. In the event that such a change would result in the removal of a substantial portion of the electronic publications and application services, you will negotiate in good faith to make a reasonable adjustment to the amounts payable. If the parties are unable to agree on a reasonable adjustment, you may terminate this Agreement in writing to LN with thirty (30) days` notice, and LN will provide you with a pro-rated refund or credit (if any) for any fixed fees or charges you may have paid in advance. Not all e-books or other electronic publications are available in all e-books or other electronic formats. If the Publishing Services or their operation are the subject of an infringement action or become likely in LN`s opinion, LN may, in its sole discretion and expense: (a) give you the right to continue using the Publishing Services; (b) replace or modify the Publishing Services so that they are no longer counterfeit; or (c) terminate this Agreement upon notice and provide you with a refund or credit (if any) with respect to such Publishing Services.
The following conditions also apply to the digital library and offline reading applications and access to the online browser If and to the extent that you submit personal data to us in an area outside the area of origin, the parties are deemed to be subject to the lexisNexis data transfer conditions in connection with such transfer under www.lexisnexis.com/global/privacy/transfer-terms.page where you are the “data exporter”. “, we are the “data importer” whose optional clauses and the content of the applicable annexes correspond to the respective content of the agreement, unless the parties can rely on another transfer mechanism or basis under data protection laws. Please enter your mobile phone number or email address to change to Number of authorized users. In the event of a change in your organizational structure (i.e. Mergers, acquisitions and divestitures) or organic growth within the organization resulting in a material change in the number of authorized users of the Publishing Services and Materials, LN reserves the right, in good faith, to adjust the amounts payable under such change to reflect the change in your use of the selected Services. Any changes made by LN to the License Terms (as defined below) pursuant to this paragraph will not be considered a change to the License Terms for the purposes of the following paragraph below. YOU AUTHORIZE LN AND ITS AFFILIATES TO IDENTIFY YOU AS A SUBSCRIBER TO THE PUBLISHING SERVICES Other terms governing your use of the Publishing Services and materials are set forth in the LexisNexis Terms and Conditions (if any), your order form, an agreed addendum, online descriptions of files, online post-selection communications. and individual materials extracted from the Publishing Services (collectively, the “Additional Terms”), all of which are incorporated into this Agreement by reference […].