How to Handle Disagreements in Marriage

Personally, I`ve realized that I tend to get upset when I`m upset about something. “Silent treatment” was how my family often handled conflict when I was young, and it`s natural and easy for me to follow this pattern as an adult. However, it is imperative that these marital conflicts be resolved as soon as possible, as studies suggest that marital conflicts generally have a debilitating effect on health and even lead to severe cases of depression and eating disorders. When tokens are down in a wedding, don`t give up just because it`s too much work. You have teamed up primarily to create a happy space for you and your spouse. You stumble, but you get up together, hand in hand – this is the epitome of a happy marriage. And you don`t enter a happy marriage, you work to make your marriage happy. Maintaining harmony in marriage has been difficult since Adam and Eve. Two people who begin their marriage together and try to walk their own selfish and separate paths can never hope to experience the unity of marriage as God intended. The prophet Isaiah accurately described the problem more than 2,500 years ago when he described basic human selfishness as follows: “We have all gone astray like sheep, each of us has turned to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6).

We are all self-centered; We all instinctively seek number one, which leads directly to conflict. That`s according to a study published this fall by the University of Michigan. Kira Birditt, the lead author of the study report, commented on this, saying that the likelihood of divorce for couples decreases when a husband and wife approach the conflict constructively. However, when both spouses handle disagreements in a destructive way, their likelihood of getting a divorce seems to increase. A marriage is not a union in which one partner easily clones all the attributes that the other possesses. Frequent conflicts in a marriage are prevalent because they bring partners together with their idiosyncrasies, value system, deep-seated habits, background, priorities, and preferences. Conflict resolution in marriage is an integral part of everyday life, so if you have a disagreement with your spouse, don`t worry. You can solve almost any argument by pronouncing the problem and keeping a cool head to avoid saying anything hurtful. If something bothers you, find a good time to talk when you`re both rested and able to concentrate. Sit face to face and imagine the problem so your spouse knows what`s bothering you. For example, you might say, “I`d like you to clean the kitchen.

If you leave it messy, I feel like you don`t appreciate how much I clean. Be sure to actively listen to your spouse to show that you respect their feelings. Most importantly, don`t raise your voice or name your spouse, as this will make things worse. If you are too angry to talk rationally, go for a walk and come back to the discussion later. Once everyone has a say, work to find a solution that will satisfy both of you. To learn how to avoid conflict in the future, read more about our co-author relationship! For example, magnets operate according to opposite forces. One side is positive, the other negative. In this case, the terms “positive” and “negative” are not synonymous with “good” and “bad”. They identify only two different – but complementary – forces. Similarly, couples benefit when they learn to understand conflict as a fundamental difference. Just because couples experience conflict doesn`t mean they don`t love each other.

Managing differences of opinion, goals, interests, desires, etc. is a normal part of any marital relationship. What matters is how couples deal with these differences. In a successful relationship, couples work together to cope with their differences instead of leaving and looking for “greener pastures.” In such a one-sided equation of the spouse, there is a pressing need for marriage counseling. A marriage counselor can help put things in perspective for both parties involved. A marriage therapist can help the submissive partner understand the importance of asserting and respecting themselves. .