How to File Form 1098-T on Taxes

For general instructions on how to return certain information, see or go to or In 2018, the form was modified to reflect only the amounts actually paid for eligible tuition and related expenses. Box 1 is what was paid throughout the year for eligible tuition fees and expenses billed during the year. Colleges usually charge for their spring or first calendar year in late November or early December. This allows taxpayers to plan something, but makes it confusing. On the planning side, the bill is usually not due until January, so you can decide which tax year works best by paying in December or January. The confusion is, what did you pay? It`s not always easy. For some, information about the 1098T is all it takes. For others, the best way is to remove the university`s statements or require one. Things to keep in mind: All the payments you`ve made count, including credit card payments and student loans (see below).

Unfortunately, all this confusion sends a lot to a tax advisor. If you`re not sure, it might not be a bad idea to get help, at least the first time. What to do if the scholarships exceed the tuition fees, some will go through the above calculations, simple or complex, and realize that they had enough scholarships and grants to cover not only tuition fees, but also some who pay for accommodation and food. The first comment is awesome! This means that you have earned quite a bit of free money for school. This also means that part of it is taxable. Scholarships or grants that exceed eligible tuition fees and related expenses constitute taxable income for the recipient. The beneficiary is the student, which means at least the tax rate will be low. You report this income in the same place where you report wages. This can even be done on a 1040-EZ. The form must have “SCH” to the left of line 7 of your form 1040, 1040A or 1040-EZ. Insurers submit this form for each person to whom they have made reimbursements or reimbursements of eligible tuition and related expenses. Box 6.

Displays adjustments to awards or grants for a previous year. This amount may affect the amount of the eligible tuition deduction or education credit you claimed for the previous year. You may need to file an amended tax return (Form 1040X) for the previous year. You must file Form 1098-T if you are an eligible educational institution. An eligible educational institution that is a government entity, agency or instrument of a government entity is subject to the reporting requirements of Form 1098-T. An agent or designated employee of the government agency must meet the reporting requirements of Form 1098-T. Please note that the instructions on the IRS tax form provide that the education credits and deductions for a taxpayer`s 2020 individual tax return are based on eligible education expenses paid during the 2020 calendar year. The student`s invoice is only one page, with a red copy sent to the IRS and a black copy sent to the student or another recipient to keep on file. The form contains ten lines that require the tax information of the institution as well as that of the student. It also includes tuition fees invoiced and received, as well as scholarships awarded to the student. The tuition statement shows any adjustments made to the previous year`s Form 1098-T and a box indicating whether the student is part-time or looking for a college diploma. Enter the applicant`s name, address and telephone number on Form 1098-E.

Use the same name and address on Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmission of Information Returns to the United States. In accordance with section 301.6109-4 of the Regulations, all applicants on Form 1098-E may truncate a borrower`s TIN (Social Security Number (NSU), Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), Adoption Tax Identification Number (ATIN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN)) on the beneficiary`s returns. Truncation of documents that the applicant completes with the IRS is not allowed. The TIN of a beneficiary/lender must not be truncated in any form. See Part J of the General Instructions for Certain Information Returns 2021. As a former student, you have access to your student account in LionPATH with your PSU access ID (e.B. “xyz123”) and password. Go to and once you`ve logged into your student home base, select “Manage My Account/Make a Payment” in the “My Finances” section. This will take you to your student account dashboard where you can view, download and print your Form 1098-T. The university is not required to file a RL-1098-T slip for: If another person receives or collects payments on your behalf for eligible tuition and related expenses, the other person must file Form 1098-T.

However, if the other person does not have the information necessary to meet the reporting requirements of Form 1098-T, you must meet the reporting requirements of Form 1098-T. Ensure that the information received is the information sent to you and document all user access opportunities that lead to the submission, students for whom you do not have a separate financial account, and their eligible tuition and related expenses through a formal billing agreement between an institution and the student`s employer or government agency, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defence. Application fees are not processed through student accounts and are therefore not included in the database used to provide this information. If you have paid these fees, they may be eligible. Contact your tax advisor. Yes! Our licensed tax lawyers have helped more than 100,000 clients prepare their taxes and resolve tax issues. Whether you want to claim tax deductions for your education expenses or need to free yourself from tax liability, our professionals are ready to help you achieve your financial goals. Students who pay tuition at eligible colleges or other post-secondary institutions should receive a copy of form 1098-T from their school`s Internal Revenue Service each year. Eligible institutions include most colleges, universities and vocational schools eligible to participate in the Ministry of Education`s student assistance programs. This form contains information on the tuition fees that may entitle the student – or the student`s parents or guardians if he or she is still dependent – to the education-related tax credits. Starting in fiscal year 2011, amounts received from the Veterans Education Benefit (post-9/11 IG Bill) will now be included in Text box 5. For more information on Veterans Education Benefits, please visit the IRS or Department of Veterans Affairs website.

In addition to these specific instructions, you should also use the 2021 General Instructions for specific information statements. These general instructions provide information about the following topics. You can choose to receive the electronic version of the form. If electronic delivery is not selected, a paper copy will be sent to your address, which is deposited with the university. To verify or update your address, please log in to your student home base in LionPATH. In your tax software, you can usually go directly to the tax form and get the number where it needs to go, usually by right-clicking on the form line. You may need to read the help file a bit. Students will receive Form 1098-T electronically or by mail. As a current student, you can instantly access your 1098-T form online by logging into your student home base in LionPATH and selecting “Manage My Account / Make a Payment” in the “My Finances” section. The “Tax Forms” section on the left side of the page displays Form 1098-T for the current year and the previous year, if applicable. Select “View” or “Save” to download a PDF copy of Form 1098-T to your computer. .